
Here we share some of the books that we have found helpful and inspiring for our study and practice of the Dharma, and which we feel align with Redwood Vihara’s vision in one way or another. We hope that in them you will find wisdom and inspiration for your own journey.

Note: We do not own the rights for any of these books.

Introduction to Buddhism

  • The Four Noble Truths - Ajahn Sumedho

    An accessible yet profound introduction to one of the Buddha’s essential teachings: that there is suffering and there’s a way out of it.

    Based on a series of Dhamma talks by Ajahn Sumedho, senior Western Disciple of the renowned Thai Forest meditation master Ajahn Chah.

  • Hoofprint of the Ox - Master Sheng Yen

    A lucid, comprehensive and systematic outline of the principles and practice of the Chan (Zen) school of Buddhism by one of the most popular and beloved Chinese scholar-monks of the past century.

  • Uncommon Wisdom - Ajahn Dick Silaratano

    This book begins with a short biography of Ajahn Pañña, the most senior Western disciple of revered Thai Forest master Ajahn Māha Boowa..

    The second half of the book contains short sections on different Dhamma topics, starting with basic concepts and building up to the most advanced principles. The writing is direct and to-the-point, making Buddhist principles really come alive.

  • Dhammapada

    A collection of short sayings of the Buddha in verse, the Dhammapada has long been considered one of the masterpieces of Buddhist literature. This version is a beautiful rendering by Thanissaro Bhikku.

  • Freedom Simplified - Doug Powers

    Talks given at a retreat focused on Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the embodiment of Great Compassion.

Sutras / Suttas

  • In the Buddha's Words - Bikkhu Bodhi

    A comprehensive selection of the Buddha’s Pāli discourses thematically organized and introduced according to specific topics.

  • The Sixth Patriarch's Sutra

    One of the most beloved and often-quoted texts in East Asian Buddhism and a foundational Chan (Zen) document. The text relates the life and teachings of Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of the Chan School, an illiterate woodcutter who became awakened to the fundamental principles of the Dharma after he overheard a sentence from a Sutra being recited.

  • The Shurangama Sutra

    Many Chan (Zen) masters in Chinese history have referred to the Shurangama Sutra as one of the most important texts in their cultivation.

    The text contains meditation instructions, a primer to Buddhist philosophy of mind, descriptions of Buddhist cosmology, practical guidelines for cultivation and instructions for esoteric practices.

Thai Forest Tradition

  • The Biography of Ajahn Mun Bhuridatta

    Ajahn Mun Bhuriddhatta Thera is perhaps the most revered meditation master in Thailand of the past century. He is considered a central influence in the revival of the Thai Forest Tradition, and many of Thailand’s most renowned meditation masters were disciples of his.

    This book tells the story of the inner journey that this remarkable master undertook in order to liberate his heart from all defilements, practicing with uncompromising determination deep in the tiger and snake-infested forests of Thailand.

  • Arahattamagga Arahattaphala

    This is a compilation of Dhamma talks given by Ajahn Maha Boowa, one of Ajahn Mun’s close disciples, in which he talks in detail about his path of practice leading to complete liberation from Samsara.

  • Stillness Flowing - The Biography of Ajahn Chah

    The biography of beloved meditation master Ajahn Chah.

The Bodhisattva Path

  • Nagarjuna on the Six Perfections

    A extensive and detailed explanation of each of the Six Perfections (generosity, ethical conduct, patience, vigor, meditation and wisdom) that the Bodhisattva masters in the path to full awakening.