Frequently Asked Questions
How can I join the program?
I’ve decided that I want to explore being a Buddhist monastic. What should I do?
Join this monastic immersion program! This is an opportunity to get a first-hand experience of what it is like to live and practice in a monastery.
The Monastic Immersion Program is only open to men. What can women go if they are interested in something similar?
Please look into retreats hosted by DRBU Extension. For those interested in monastic training, you can inquire at other DRBA monasteries run by Bhikshunis, Buddhist nuns. For instance, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, City of Dharma Realm, and many other DRBA monasteries have a vibrant Bhikshuni Sangha that you can visit.
Can I just come and stay at Redwood Vihara for a self-retreat without joining the Monastic Immersion Program?
Unfortunately, we do not offer this option. Please join the Monastic Immersion Program.
Can I attend the Monastic Immersion Program if I do not live in the US?
Yes, but you will need to make your own arrangements for arriving in the U.S. Since this program is around 3-months, many countries allow for a visit to the U.S. for 3 months without a visa (look into the Visa Waiver Program). Please contact us to discuss your situation.
How old do I have to be to attend the Monastic Immersion Program?
We require participants to be at least 18 years old. Younger participants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Can I just visit the monastery? Are there shorter programs that I can join?
Yes, please come for a day visit to Redwood Vihara. There is also a possibility to stay overnight for a weekend. Please contact us for details.
What is the cost of this program?
The monastery is supported through offerings. By joining this program, you will be part of the monastic “field of blessings.” We will all cultivate and serve together in this field of generosity.